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Heanor Park Resident, Jessie Clarke awarded British Empire Medal for Cancer Research UK contributions

Local Hero, Jessie Clarke Awarded British Empire Medal for Cancer Research UK Contributions

Heanor born, Jessie Clarke, 99 years old, has been honoured with a British Empire Medal for her remarkable contributions to the important work of Cancer Research UK.

In a heart-warming display of unwavering dedication to the cause of cancer research, Jessie Clarke was nominated for a prestigious King’s Birthday Honours list and has now been awarded a BEM for her outstanding contributions to Cancer Research UK. Jessie’s remarkable journey began in 1982 when, at the age of 58, a trial funded in part by the Cancer Research Campaign revealed she had early-stage bowel cancer, ultimately saving her life.

Grateful for the charity’s role in her recovery, Jessie embarked on a fundraising mission that has spanned over four decades. Starting as a member of the Eastwood and Greasley Committee, she eventually assumed the position of Chair before establishing the Nuthall and Kimberley Committee in her local community.

Under Jessie’s leadership, the Eastwood and Greasley Committee and the Nuthall and Kimberley Committee orchestrated an array of successful fundraising events, including Fashion Shows, Music Nights, Coffee mornings, barn dances, and more, raising over £500,000 for Cancer Research UK, bringing Jessie’s total contributions to an exceptional £680,000.

In 2014 Broxtowe Borough Council admitted Jessie as an Honorary Freeman, in recognition of her contribution to the local community, supporting Cancer Research UK.

Rebecca Elphick. Relationship Manager for Cancer Research UK said: “I’m absolutely thrilled that Jessie has been awarded a BEM for her outstanding contribution to Cancer Research UK’s work over the past 40 years. Her dedication to the charity has been unwavering. She is very well known and loved within her local community and is an amazing Ambassador for the charity. I have supported the Nuthall and Kimberley Committee over the past 19 years and have been inspired by their dedication and commitment to raising funds for the charity. The BEM is a wonderful and fitting way to recognise Jessie’s support for the charity.”

Jessie’s story stands as a powerful reminder that it is possible to transform a negative experience into the fuel for immense personal growth, in Jessie’s case proving that adversity can pave the way for positive change.